USRC IPO Competitions
USRC Trials
Full member USRC clubs are authorized to host recognized IPO trials. USRC clubs may utilize judges from other AWDF member clubs, ADRK as well as FCI Member Kennel Club judges. Titles earned at USRC trials are recognized by all other AWDF member clubs and FCI Member Kennel Clubs.
USRC National IPO Championships
The USRC anually hosts a National IPO Championship. The annual championships is hosted by alternating USRC member clubs throughout the US. Dog and handler teams may compete at any IPO level. The top 5 IPO 3 teams of the USRC National IPO Championship are automatically qualified to participate in the following IFR World IPO 3 Championship.
IFR IPO 3 World Championships
The IFR IPO 3 World Championship is a Rottweiler only IPO 3 event. The championships are held annually in alternating member countries. The locations are selected by the IFR congress several years in advance. The United States Rottweiler Club is the US representative to the IFR Congress and as such the USRC determines the make up of the US team. USRC provides some financial sponsorship for its team members. USRC members interested in competing at the IFR should contact the USRC Secretary at for more information. Please see the USRC requirements for the IFR team document.
AWDF IPO Championships and Breed Club Challenge
The AWDF IPO Championship offers IPO1, IPO2 and IPO3 level competition. This is a threefold competition – with individual and breed club competition for the selection of the AWDF’s team to the FCI World Championships. USRC members interested in competing at the AWDF Championships should contact the USRC Secretary at by January 1st of the trial year. The handler and owner must be USRC members and the dog must be registered with the USRC. The team is fully responsible for all trial costs including lodging and transportation. USRC sponsors the AWDF team by payment for the USRC Team entry fees and uniforms.
AWDF Team to the FCI IPO 3 World Championships
The AWDF annually sends a team to compete at the FCI IPO World Championships. The top 7 IPO 3 teams from the AWDF IPO Championships are automatically qualified to participate in the following FCI IPO 3 World Championships. The team members are fully responsible for all trial costs including lodging and transportation. The AWDF supplies a team uniform and pays the entry fees.
AWDF Team to the FCI FH2 World Championships
The AWDF annually sends a team to compete at the FCI FH2 World Championships.
The team members are fully responsible for all trial costs including lodging and
transportation. The AWDF pays the entry fees.
Please consider donating funds to USRC's teams!