**USRC News**
- January 16, 2023 USRC Working Title and Scorebook Acceptance Policy. USRC is very pleased to announce that USCA is once again under the AWDF umbrella. Due to these changes, USCA titles will be recognized once again.
Titles earned at a USCA trial or under a USCA judge prior to Oct 2019 and after Dec. 2022 are recognized. Those earned from Oct. 2019 up to Dec. 2022, while USCA was not under the AWDF/FCI umbrella, continue to not be recognized under AWDF.
- September 1, 2019
We are proud to announce that we have now added a Youth Handler Program, and the Judge's Program is now revised and available to welcome new judges and new judge apprentices for both working and conformation as well as judges for the critical breed surveys and certifications. Information can be found on the USRC Regulations page or by following the links in this notice.
- USRC Regulations Many of the USRC regulations have been updated. Please see the USRC Regulations Page for the most current regulations. More....
The USRC and its members are dedicated to the complete Rottweiler in character, conformation and working ability. The USRC believes it is extremely important to encourage improvement in the breeding of Rottweilers in the United States. All USRC members must adhere to the USRC Breeding Regulatons. USRC abides by the FCI Standard for the Rottweiler No 147/19.06.2000/D Federation Cynologique International (FCI). USRC has goals similar to the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub in Germany and is a member of the ADRK World Family.

On the Working Scene
USRC is the only Rottweiler Club in the United States that is a member of the International Federation of Rottweiler Friends. The IFR was formed in 1969 from countries around the world assembled to promote the Rottweiler breed on an international level. USRC became a member of the IFR in 2009 and is permitted to send dog handler teams to the IFR World IPO Championship.
USRC is also the only Rottweiler Club in the United States that belongs to the American Working Dog Federation. The AWDF is comprised of national breed clubs, each representing their working breed as well as several all breed sport clubs. Through its AWDF membership, the USRC is permitted to send dog handler teams annually to compete at the AWDF National IPO Championship. The top dog handler teams from the AWDF National Championship are selected to participate annually in the FCI World All Breed IPO Championship.
USRC issues AWDF scorebooks and conducts its own IPO Trials. USRC trials and all titles earned at USRC trials are recognized by all AWDF member clubs. USRC has an annual National IPO Championship trial. The top 5 IPO 3 finishers of the National IPO Championship are automatically eligible for a spot on the IFR World Championship team representing the United States.
The BST is the Cornerstone of Rottweiler Breeding

USRC offers the Breed Suitability Test (BST) at all Full Member Club Shows. This all-encompassing test has been used in Germany for decades and is considered the most important real test in the young Rottweiler's life. In Germany, a Rottweiler that has not passed this test may not ever be used for breeding!
Qualified USRC and international judges evaluate the dogs and a written critique of the entire test is provided to the owner. There are two parts to the BST. The first part compares the dog to the FCI Breed Standard, from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail, with emphasis on full dentition and a scissors bite. The BST is recorded by USRC and stays with the dog for life. It appears on the pedigree of all the dog's progeny.
The second part is a character (temperament) test. The dog is tested for indifference to gunshots and for composure while moving within a group of people. The dog must complete an abbreviated IPO routine, which includes defense of the handler, and a courage test. The results of this portion of the test are also recorded by USRC. If the dog should not pass the second portion of the test, it may be retaken at a later date as stipulated by the judge.

USRC has member clubs throughout the United States. These clubs conduct trials, shows, seminars and other informative events promoting all aspects of the working Rottweiler. USRC has its own Judge's Program. Our apprentice judges work under FCI and ADRK International Rottweiler judges to obtain their USRC Judges Licenses.
USRC Sanctioned Events include Local, Regional and National Conformation Shows and trials as well as Breed Suitability Tests and Breed Standard Certifications. The USRC holds a National Schutzhund Championship each year for SchH 1, 2 and 3 competitors. This competition helps to determine the USRC International dog handler teams.
Breed Registry
The USRC maintains a Breed Registry that issues Registration Certificates and Pedigrees recognizing all USRC, FCI and AKC titles, both working and conformation. USRC registered dogs are positively identified with a tattoo or microchip. USRC Registration Certificates have the dog's Breed Suitability Test critique and all titles. USRC 5 generation pedigrees have titles and health certifications for 4 generations of the dog's ancestors as well as written critiques from Breed Tests, in English, on the parents and grandparents.
Breed Health and Welfare
The USRC is committed to the Health and Welfare of Rottweilers by supporting breed rescue and the Rottweiler Health Foundation. The USRC also remains abreast of worldwide news and changes affecting our breed.